Restart ™
Your Life
Founder's Filmography
김 다니엘의 필모그래피
Government Events
정부 행사
Beginning Oct. 1977 and until the end of 1979, I performed as the "Bouquet Ambassador" for the South Korean government.
저는 1977년 10월부터 1979년 말까지 대한민국 정부를 대표하는 '화동'으로 활동했습니다.
As an elementary school student, my primary duties with my partner were to provide bouquets to foreign VIPs who were prime ministers and presidents of their respective countries.
당시 초등학생이었던 저와 제 파트너가 활동했던 '화동'의 역할은 외국 수상 또는 대통령 등 국빈이 방한할 때 꽃다발을 증정하는 것이었습니다.
Because of the media importance of their Korean visits, most of my performance was broadcast via live & taped TV news, televised live, and also a theatrical version of the National News (a.k.a. Daehan News) customized for movie-goers in a theater.
그 당시의 미디어에서는 그 국빈들의 방한 소식이 중요했다고 여겨졌는지, 제 화동 활동의 대부분은 생방송 또는 녹화로
진행된 TV 뉴스를 통해 전국으로 방송됨은 물론, 그 당시 영화관에서 영화 시작 전 관람객들이 반드시 시청해야 했던
'대한 뉴스'라는 영화 영상 미디어를 통해서 전국 극장 어디에서나 관람할 수 있었습니다.
1. Jordan's Prince El Hassan bin Talal - Oct. 24, 1977 visit to South Korea Video
2. Fiji's Prime Minister Kamisese Mara - June 6, 1978 visit to South Korea Video 1 Video 2
3. Belgium's Prince Albert - early June 1978 visit to South Korea Video
4. Djibouti's Prime Minister Abdallah Mohamed Kamil - Aug. 19, 1978 visit toSouth Korea Video
5. Eswatini (formerly King of Swaziland)'s Prime Minister Maphevu Dlamini - Sept. 20, 1978 visit to South Korea Video
6. Gabon's Foreign Minister - mid-Oct. 1978 visit to South Korea Video
7. South Korean President Park Jung-hee's Ninth Inauguration Ceremony - Dec. 27, 1978 in Seoul, South Korea Video
8. Senegal President Léopold Sédar Senghor - mid-April, 1979 visit to South Korea Video 1 Video 2
9. Austria's UN Secretariat Kurt Waldheim - May 1979 visit to South Korea Video
10. US President Jimmy Carter - June 29, 1979's visit to South Korea Video
11. Saudi Arabia's Price/Minister of Interior Nayef bin Abdulaziz - mid-July 1979 visit to South Korea Video
12. Malaysian Prime Minister Hussein Onn - late-July 1979 visit to South Korea Video
13. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew - Oct. 17, 1979 visit to South Korea Video
14. Luxembourg's Prince Henri - late-October 1979 visit to South Korea Video
TV Broadcaster 방송인
My debut as a TV broadcaster occurred in April 1983 through a TV program called "Middle School English" produced by EBS (formerly known as KBS 3 channel). Since I am in the process of obtaining video records from it, I will share what's called a 'Behind-the-Scene' story about how I made my TV appearance debut through said program.
제 방송인으로서의 TV 데뷔는 1983년 4월, EBS (당시 공식 명칭은 KBS 3 채널) 방송국에서 'TV 중학교 영어'라는 프로그램에 중학생
패널로 참가하면서 이루어졌습니다. 그때 방송된 방영분을 구하고 있는 중이라서, 저는 여기에 제가 어떻게 해서 해당 프로그램에
참가하게 되었는지에 대한 그 뒷 이야기를 적어 보았습니다. 그리고 해당 녹화를 마치고 출연 기념으로 받은 노트북이 저한테 아직도 있는데, 그걸 볼 때마다 그 녹화날 당시의 여러 장면들이 마치 어제 겪은 일처럼 제 머리에 생생하게 떠오르네요.
It was early March 1983 while I was watching the program and decided to apply for the participant of the program. My predecessors were all middle school students like I was, and I thought I would give it a try. Then, one day, one of the staff from said program called and asked whether I could come to their TV studio and become a participant. I said I would and went to the TV studio located by the hillside of Mt. Umyeon (a.k.a. Umyeonsan).
After receiving verbal instructions and signing some papers (now I believe it was my Release Form to use my tape appearance for TV broadcast purposes), I sat at the semi-circle table next to a Korean female MC in her early 30s. To her right, a Caucasian male & female in their late 20s/early 30s were also sitting there, both wearing brown-colored eyeglasses, just like I was at the time. Then, one of the stage ADs approached me and asked whether I could take off my off-white sweatshirt and only wear a navy-colored shirt underneath it because the sweatshirt may produce too much glare under the bright studio lighting system. I said I would, but she later told me I could continue to wear a sweatshirt because the main control room said it was OK.
While waiting for my segment to be taped, the MC asked me whether I could introduce myself by mentioning my name and the middle school I go to, and I acknowledged it, which became part of the opening shot of the segment. I also noticed there were three studio cameras and a big TV monitor located adjacent to them. During my segment taping, I found out one camera was fixed at two Caucasian pair capturing their bust shot, one was fixed at myself and the MC capturing the same image as theirs, and another one was to capture the entire participants from a full shot. I also learned that when TV stations tape a program such as the one I was in, they record several days' segments together, and while I was waiting for my segment to begin, the main control room played the segment that's scheduled to air the day before my taped segment will, and I noticed one Caucasian female in her mid-20s wearing a white cocktail dress with off-shoulder design was lip-singing to the song "When Will I See You Again" by The Third Degrees (which were part of the program segments for middle school students to learn English songs and their lyrics), and I remember a female AD, MC, and two Caucasian participants discussed with some amusement as to whether such "revealing" clothing is allowed by EBS. It was, and I watched that segment aired without any correction.
The taping went smoothly without any technical or NG from any one of the participants. After the taping, the female AD approached me with ten notebooks with the KEDI (Korean Educational Development Institute) logo on them as compensation for appearing on their show, and I still retain some of them today with unforgettable memories, even after 41 years have passed from the event.
Theatrical Actor 연극 배우
My debut as a theatrical actor was with WALLS, a play produced by New World Theater (part of the Umass Amherst Theater department) and performed from Oct. 24 to 27, 1991. In it, I played the character of Stu, a Chinese-American ex-Vietnam vet in his late 20s who suffered from PTSD during his tour of duty.
제 연극 배우 데뷔는 1991년 10월24일부터 27일까지 공연되었던 WALLS 라는 연극을 통해서였고, 저는 그 연극에서 월남전에 참전했다가 PTSD를 얻고 퇴역한 20대 후반의 중국계 미국인 역할을 맡았습니다.
To prepare for the performance, 15 cast members met every evening (and sometimes on weekends) after their daily schedule and practiced our parts for two hours or more. At the end of the final performance, the director of WALLS congratulated me for my debut performance and asked whether I was interested in pursuing this as my career. Since I was too busy overseeing several activities sponsored by the Umass Amherst's Korean Students Association at that time (more details can be found in Chapter 3 of my book Restart 51), I politely refused his offer. 33 years have passed since then, and I wonder what would have happened if I had made that change then. Regardless of how my future unfolds, I treasure the moments I shared with my cast members and support staff to make this play possible.
Courtesy of Umass Amherst SCUA
Courtesy of Umass Amherst SCUA
Courtesy of Umass Amherst SCUA
Courtesy of Umass Amherst SCUA
Performance Planner 공연 기획자
As president of the KSA (Umass Amherst Korean Students Association), I hosted the first Korean Cultural Night on Saturday, November 23, 1991, with substantial assistance from the executive board and staff members. This non-profit event was created to promote Korean cultural heritage to Umass Amherst and other college communities adjacent to Umass Amherst. Please refer to Chapter 3 of the book Restart 51 for details.
저는 KSA (유매스 앰허스트 한인 학생회) 회장으로 일하면서 KSA 임원들과 회원들의 많은 도움으로, 유매스 앰허스트 대학 및
그 주변의 다른 대학 캠퍼스에 한국 문화를 전파하겠다는 목적으로 처음 기획되고 1991년 11월 23일 토요일에 초연을 가진
'한국 문화의 밤'이라는 비영리 공연 이벤트의 기획자로 일했습니다. 좀 더 자세한 내용은 제가 저술한 '51세의 출사표'라는 책의
제 3장인 여기에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.